09 259 9939
Level 1, 272 Great South Road
Otahuhu, Auckland

Property Transactions
This is legal term used to describe transfer of real property from one person or entity to another.
We can assist you with buying and selling of:
residential property (which includes houses, apartments, vacant land) – we can assist with Kainga Ora and Kiwisaver Scheme withdrawals as part of your residential purchase.
commercial property (including lease).
We can also assist you with:
changing of one bank mortgage to another i.e. property refinance.
registering variation of your existing mortgage security.
purchase of licence to occupy (in retirement village living).
review of auction agreements.
This is process of cutting up one piece of land into smaller (subdivided) pieces. We can assist with fee simple (freehold) subdivisions, cross-lease subdivisions and unit title applications.
Transfer into Trust
We can assist you in relation to preparation of a Deed of Trust, and transfer of assets into your Trust. We can also complete any gifting requirements of your Trust.
Building Contract Review
We can assist with reviewing building agreements and provide you with suggestions for improvement to the contract that favour your interest.